journalism students

Liveblogging commuter misery Members Public

[] Ah, synchronicity. Today, I’m working with the newspaper and interactive MA students at City University on liveblogging. And there’s a tube strike. So, of course, some of them are liveblogging the tube strike [

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
City St George’s

Data Journalism - buzzword or baseline skill? Members Public

[] Liveblogged notes from the Data Journalism: Mapping the future? [] event held by the Media Society [] last night. Please note: not a complete transcription, and captured in real-time and thus liable

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
data journalism

Interhacktives 3.0: a new generation of online journalists Members Public

The third intake of Interactive Journalism MA students at City University have got the keys to the class blog, and are up and running []: > Here’s saying hello from we 3rd gen interhacktives! Since 2011, this site has chronicled the journeys

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
City St George’s

Is print focus a dangerous distraction for young journalists? Members Public

[] I suppose I shouldn’t be by now, but I’m always surprised by how many journalism students are obsessed with print. I don’t mean in love with print – I still love some printed products – but

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
City St George’s

Learning, emulation and voice Members Public

[] How unexpected was that? A Bank Holiday weekend, and beautiful weather the whole time. Gorgeous. At least, that’s what I hear. Personally, I was stuck inside marking, a result of having spent part of the past

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Memeing Journalism Students Members Public

It is with a strange sense of pride that I present you with some more work from students on the City MA in Journalism – this time it’s the magazine journalism MAs []: I think pride is the right word.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
City St George’s

Six things I learnt while teaching journalism students today Members Public

[] 1. Carrying your DSLR with you to do some video demos means you can grab unexpected fun images while waiting for a train 2. Confusion about what images from the web you’re allowed to grab

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Are smartphones now essential for journalism? Members Public

Between hurricane Sandy and the US presidential elections [] we now have confirmation, if you needed it, that Instagram is a big social player. I can see why Facebook bought it – there’s plenty of evidence that people interact more around photos than anything

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth