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Facebook Likes - the newest target of the fake internet Members Public

Channel 4 news ran a big investigation into Facebook Likes [] last week: > As Facebook has grown to 1.15 billion users, gaining “likes” or fans, the social network has become a valuable marketing opportunity for companies. One social intelligence company put the value

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Zombie Likes Members Public

A rather disquieting piece on Facebook Likes you don’t remember giving – and people apparently Liking things from beyond the grave []: > Thing is, according to my pal Brendan O’Malley, there’s no way that his late friend Alex, who “hated corporate

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

#newsrw - Social Media Optimisation Members Public

Liveblog of a panel debate about social media from news:rewired in February 2012

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth