
What is the role of MSM blogs? Members Public

In many ways, I think Shane’s [following post]( hits the nail more accurately on the head:> This seems to be a change in direction for a blogosphere. Instead of bloggers trying to reach

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Le Web 3 '07: Social Media versus Anti-social Media Members Public

There were a couple of interesting, but ill-attended talks yesterday before lunch, which I wanted to draw together. June Cohen [] of the TED Conference [] made some interesting points about media, and in particular,

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
jonathan medved

Mainstream Media: Not The Borg Members Public

I’ve just realised why the comments last night ascribing one monolithic mindset to the traditional media annoyed me so much: > His commenters show the typically depressing blogger mindset of treating us journalists like a monolithic social block that all behave the same way. Yet if any journalist should

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Quinn versus Gilligan: Specialist Hack against Mainstream? Members Public

David Quinn, a journalist and former colleague based in Manchester, posted on his blog that last night’s Dispatches by Andrew Gilligan was actually trading off a three year old story [] . And David should know,

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
andrew gilligan

Le Web 3: One Man's Verdict Members Public

Loïc Le Meur has responded to the criticism made about Le Web 3 in a long, thoughtful post [] . [] I do want to directly address some of the issues mentioned, but I’

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth