mobile apps

Publishers missed mobile - and notifications are the next opportunity Paid Members Public
Possibly the most depressing paragraph [] I’ve read in a long time: > Speaking on the panel at the launch of the report in London, the Guardian’s executive editor of digital Aron Pilhofer said “mobile has snuck up” on publishers
Web versus native apps Paid Members Public
John Gruber []: > The web is great. I love the web. I continue to publish my life’s work on the web. But what the web is great for is only what it was designed for: publishing HTML pages. For everything else,
News is going mobile - but how? Paid Members Public
[] Frédéric Filloux did a useful round-up of the current state of play of news on mobile devices []. This is of particular note: > According to Flurry Analytics, apps now
Six months to get yourself a mobile strategy Paid Members Public
Talking of mobile (as I just was… [] ), I’m looking forward to this year’s Mobile Media Strategies [] event in September (client work allowing). I had a teeny, tiny input into
Android: Triple the development costs of iOS? Paid Members Public
[] Interesting snippet hidden away in a BBC blogpost about iPlayer on Android []: > Today we have an Android development team that is almost 3 times the size of
(no title) Paid Members Public
[] This is just a quick, slightly random, photo post to check the iPhone-to-blog photo uploading capabilities of PUPS [] . All looking pretty good so far.
Why Tom Morris won't be buying your news app Paid Members Public
Well, reason 9 of many []: > Attempt to find the story you wanted to read using a layout and information architecture that’s completely different from the layout and information architecture of the website that you’ve grown familiar with, because some arsehole decided that
Misha Lyalin: Pudding Monsters and and brand extensions Paid Members Public
Misha Lyalin, Chairman & CEO, ZeptoLab [] & Frederic Lardinois, Writer, TechCrunch “Everything we do starts with the game,” says Misha Lyalin, which is probably the sort of thing you expect a man in a monster suit to say on stage frankly. And their business does – but