movable type

One Man & His Blog: rebooted Members Public

All change! This blog has a brand new look, and for those of you in RSS readers, here’s a screengrab of it, with the explanation and thinking behind it afterwards: ![The new-look One Man & His Blog](

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Happy 10th Birthday, Movable Type Members Public

[] Movable Type, the software that runs this blog, [hits its 10th birthday today]( Blimey.Makes me feel a little guilty for having spent

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
blog platforms

Changes Members Public

One phase of my life ends. Another begins.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
blog platforms

Giving OM&HB a little CloudFlare Members Public

[![Image representing CloudFlare as depicted in C...]()]( via [CrunchBase]( brief diversion into administrivia. People with no interest in self-hosted blog platforms can move right along. There’s nothing for the like of you here. 🙂This blog has languished

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
blog platforms

WordPress, Six Apart silences and communities Members Public

The company that was Six Apart is gone. The name and Movable Type are ensconced in Japan [], Vox is dead and Typepad is part of SAY Media. It seems an appropriate time for a post-mortem, and that’s just what former Typepad

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

More on Movable Type's Future Members Public

Give the hoohah over the future of Movable Type [] post Six Apart’s assimilation into Say Media last week, I really couldn’t refuse the opportunity to meet Jun Kaneko, the product manager for MT,

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
blog platforms

Where now for Movable Type and Typepad? Members Public

[] Here’s a thing to discover just before you go to bed: Six Apart [], the company that produces the blog software that’s at the heart of much of my day job,

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
ad networks

Blogging: History and Misconceptions Members Public

This is long, but well worth sitting through to catch up with the ideas and concepts that have driven the success of blogging as a medium over the last decade. Don’t worry about the software stuff at the beginning – it rapidly moves beyond that.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth