news international

Why do so many publishers hate their journalists? Members Public

Roy Greenslade, talking about Trinity Mirror [] : > But nothing I have heard has changed my thinking. Kelly’s going is part of a pattern, confirming that a company that publishes newspapers and news websites has no respect for journalism…

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Sign of the Christmas Times Members Public

[] It’s been a year for hatin’ on News International [], what with the whole phone-hacking business. But, give them their due, they’re still experimenting. This morning, for the

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Essential reading: Reuters on the NotW culture Members Public

Compelling stuff [] : > “We used to talk to career criminals all the time. They were our sources,” says another former reporter from the paper who also worked for Murdoch’s daily tabloid, the Sun. “It was a macho thing: ‘My contact

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
news international

Jon Snow on phone-hacking and the decline of the press Members Public

Fascinating post from Jon Snow on the whole Politics/Press/Broadcast issue [] thrown up by the phone-hacking saga: > The relationship between print and broadcasting has always been tense. We both resent and depend upon each other ‘out on the street’. But these days,

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

After NotW: what might the future of media look like? Members Public

I’m loathe to join the general mob of bloggers posting about every little twist and turn of the phone-hacking scandal, and the closure of the News of the Screws World. That market niche is filled sufficiently. I’m more interested in trying to discern the long-term consequences of what’

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
david cameron

What does Cameron's statement on the News of the World mean for journalists? Members Public

Charlie Beckett nails what’s been bothering me [] since I saw the Prime Minister’s press conference this morning: > But the bigger story is the proposed review of the whole relationship between the press and power. Cynics will say

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
david cameron

Of Paywalls and Cupcakes Members Public

It’s the tail end of the day, and I’m just emerging from a long meeting with my boss. It was a good meeting, but I’m tired and ready for a weekend. And then reception calls. A very puzzled security guy tells me there’s someone down there

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
business models

Cross-platform subs: sign of The Times Members Public

[] Spotted on my morning commute: heavy promotion for subscriptions to *The Times* as a cross-platform offer.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
business models