
Facebook & news publishers: a rocky relationship Members Public

How are Facebook’s efforts to reach out to publishers [] going? > “To call this group a partnership group is a joke in and of itself,” one executive at a major publisher said. “It’s a complete misnomer. We’re having really meaningful conversations with

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Techmeme, and the opportunity in connecting the conversation Members Public

Has our lust for innovation made us move on from ideas too quickly? I’ve been mulling that over for most of the day, since I read Charlie Wurzel’s long piece on Gabe Rivera and Techmeme [] . Unless you’re a blogger of a

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Compass News: the latest attempt to build a Netflix for news Members Public

There’s a new journalism aggregator in town, called Compass – and it’s attempting to be a Netflix for news []. Isolde Walters spoke to Matilde Giglio about the subscription-based app [] : > It’s a bit like

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
business models

Reach of print newspapers falling fast Members Public

Just 31% of Brits get their news from print newspapers [] And that’s down from 40% a year ago. Worryingly, there’s a rise in those who don’t follow the news at all.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

What happened to news in 2014 Members Public

Om Malik []: > 2014 was the year online video became the norm. It was also the year news happened elsewhere than established media brands. Yup.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Dumping the newspaper Members Public

Breaking up with newspapers []: > I’ve found a platform that fulfills my news-reading needs. My Internet-powered cell phone has replaced you, and it’s time for us to go our separate ways. To be honest, newspaper, I’ve been using my new platform

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
Kevin Sablan

Medium versus News Members Public

[] Medium is rejecting chronology as the key way it presents potential reading material [] to users: > Our goals are different: we want to give you great stuff to read. We have tens

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Why Tom Morris won't be buying your news app Members Public

Well, reason 9 of many []: > Attempt to find the story you wanted to read using a layout and information architecture that’s completely different from the layout and information architecture of the website that you’ve grown familiar with, because some arsehole decided that

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth