open web what Twitter would be if it was built as part of the open web Members Public

For the last couple of months, I’ve been really enjoying using [], a Kickstarted Twitter-like microblogging service. It has made some interesting design choices – like not disclosing how many people follow you, and keeping Favourites as a purely personal bookmarking tool – that tend to promote

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Facebook is the out-of-town supermarket of the web, so let's learn to browse local Members Public

Jason Kottke on why Facebook won: [] > […] using Facebook instead of just bookmarks is compelling in the same way that shopping at Walmart instead of small-town shops was in the 80s. We blame Walmart for decimating small businesses, but ultimately, small town shoppers chose

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

This is our web Members Public

Zeldman []: > Yes, recycling other people’s recycling of other people’s recycling of cat gifs is fun and easy on Tumblr. Yes, rubbing out a good bon mot on Twitter can satisfy one’s ego and rekindle a wistful remembrance of

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth