
The Demographic Paywall Problem Members Public

Missed this interesting paywall post [] while I was at Like Minds last week: > I asked my class of 20-year-old Elon University students how many were on Facebook. All 33 raised their hands.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
business models

Following Up: Paywalls and Disruption Members Public

[] My post on paywalls yesterday garnered a good amount of interest. Kevin Anderson suggests that journalists need to be a little more self-critical about the value of their own work [

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
change management

The Paywall secret people don't like Members Public

Interesting look at paywalls this morning [] from Frédéric Filloux on Monday Note. He analyses the reasons for the successes of the Financial Times and New York Times “progressive paywalls”, and makes some good observations about what it takes to make these sorts

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
content strategy

Got to love this job sometimes... Members Public

[]( latest coal analysis from our new coal editor Manca Vitorino[less than a minute ago](!/KatieICISHeren/status/106027833050140674 "Tue Aug 23 15:39:39 +0000 2011") via web [![](

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Of Paywalls and Cupcakes Members Public

It’s the tail end of the day, and I’m just emerging from a long meeting with my boss. It was a good meeting, but I’m tired and ready for a weekend. And then reception calls. A very puzzled security guy tells me there’s someone down there

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
business models

Why the NYT will fail, graphically Members Public

Neat piece of data visualisation from The Undestatement [] . The New York Times charging model is completely out of line with general online service subscriptions. More data to suggest that is a reinforce print [

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
business models

Propping up print with a partial paywall, eh, NYT? Members Public

I haven’t said much about the New York Times payment structure (it’s not a paywall), because, well, it looks OK. Not a bad way to address the issues of monetising the commodity we call general news. But one thing has been bugging me about it, and it wasneatly

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
business models

The Times opens up (a little) Members Public

Talking of RSS [] , I note than some more changes have hit everyone’s favourite paywalled enterprise, The Times online. First up, the blogs now have a free-to-air front page [

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth