
When Radio Talks Blogging, I Yell at the Radio Members Public

I am becoming one of those middle-aged guys who yells at the radio. I passed this terrible threshold of ageing yesterday, as I relaxed in the bath. I’m normally a shower guy, but once in a while I treat myself to a soak. And it’s quite a treat.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

An Everyday Podcast of Rural Folks Members Public

Oh, heaven. Oh, rapture. The Archers will be a podcast from Sunday [,,2189757,00.html]. Dumdidumdidumdidum…

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Any Monkey Can Blog Members Public

Couldn’t resist this: [] And the news that Radio 2 is planning a blogging-based comedy series [] is quite fun, too.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

links for 2006-01-31 Members Public

* [Just A Minute blog]( without hesitation, deviation or repetition,(tags: [radio]( [comedy]( [blogs]( * [In the Lion’s Den]( Christian blogger(tags: [blogs]

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Bombs Fall Like Rain Members Public

Waking up to the news that we’re bombing Iraq (well, more than we usually do) is not exactly the best way to start the day. I have to stop using Radio 4 as my morning alarm. I cope with war news much better after coffee and toast.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth