
Maybe I should have a caption competition... Members Public

[https://i0.wp.com/www.onemanandhisblog.com/content/images/2011/09/6a011278fa639228a4014e8bb9b3cf970d.jpg] Just an ordinary day in the* Community Care* office, with the team wearing the regulation head temperature maintenance gear, as approved by occupational health…Oh, all right. They’re helping [publicise Woolly Hat day](http://www.communitycare.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
community care

Estates Gazette launches iPad app Members Public

[https://i2.wp.com/www.onemanandhisblog.com/content/images/2011/07/Photo-28-07-2011-01-39-18-PM_2.png] The good folks at Estates Gazette [http://www.estatesgazette.com] have launched their first iPad app. The Special Edition [http://www.estatesgazette.com/sporting-legacies/] focuses around the property issues (and property people) involved in sporting events

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
estates gazette

A few changes at RBI Members Public

![Computer Weekly & Microscope](http://www.onemanandhisblog.com//Photo Mar 30, 16 58 13.jpg "Photo Mar 30, 16 58 13.jpg") Patrick Smith does some analysis of changes here at RBI [http://www.themediabriefing.com/article/2011-03-30/board-shake-up-at-rbi-follows-computer-weekly-sell-off] following the sale of Computer Weekly and Microscope. Some

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
computer weekly

Vale Computer Weekly Members Public

I didn’t want to let the working day end without a quick post to acknowledge the news that RBI [http://paidcontent.co.uk/article/419-computer-weekly-magazine-killed-after-45-years-as-website-is-sold/] – my employer – is in the process of concluding a sale of Computer Weekly [http://www.computerweekly.com] and Microscope [http://www.microscope.co.uk/

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
computer weekly

Hacks and Hackers in video Members Public

Rachel from journalism.co.uk has done a rather lovely video feature [http://www.journalism.co.uk/news-features/video-hacks-and-hackers-join-forces-at-rbi-for-data-journalism-experiments/s5/a541788/] of the RBI-hosted hacks and hackers day [http://www.onemanandhisblog.com/archives/2010/11/hacksnhackers_day_at_rbi.html] from earlier in the week:

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
data journalism

Elevenses Reborn Members Public

Just a photo post, really, marking the rebirth of our internal Elevenses knowledge-sharing sessions, now under the steady hand of Mr Martin Couzins [http://www.itsdevelopmental.com/]: ![Martin Presents, Tim Listens](http://www.onemanandhisblog.com//IMG_5019 - Version 2.jpg "IMG_5019 - Version 2.jpg") ![Karl

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Hacks & Hackers & RBI Members Public

Judith’s just posted the news to the Scraperwiki blog [http://blog.scraperwiki.com/2010/10/19/scraperwikirbi-launch-first-in-house-hacks-hackers-event-for-b2bs/] : RBI’s hosting a Hacks & Hackers sessions here in Quadrant House. For those unfamiliar with the concept, the hack days are designed to bring together “hacks” – journalists – and “hackers” – developers – to

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
data journalism

RBI Sites Covering the Emergency Budget Members Public

Adding them to the post as I find them: * Computer Weekly [http://www.computerweekly.com/Articles/2010/06/21/241676/live-coverage-the-june-2010-emergency-budget.htm] * Estates Gazette [http://www.egi.co.uk/articles/2010/06/22/719486/Budget-2010-Live-Coverage.htm] (with behind the scenes coverage [http://www.estatesgazette.com/blogs/focus/2010/06/behind-the-scenes-of-egs-emergency-budget-coverage.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth