
Alt-right subreddits closed for doxing Members Public

Reddit has closed two major alt-right subreddits [] : > Reddit today blocked two prominent alt-right subreddits over “the proliferation of personal and confidential information.” Commonly referred to as ‘doxing,’ it appears a user (or users) of r/altright and r/AlternativeRight intentionally disseminated

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
alt right media

The nature of the Reddit beast Members Public

What actually is Reddit?, asks Samantha Allen, writing for The Daily Beast: Reddit is not so much the generic front page of the Internet as it is its spacious, tricked-out man cave: a lot of people can fit inside, but only some people feel comfortable hanging out there. And she

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
corporate culture

Reddit for Journalists Members Public

Three speakers at news:rewired talking about use of Reddit in journalism, moderated by Mark Frankel, assistant editor, social news, BBC

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
crowd-sourced journalism

Reddit as a journalistic liveblogging platform Members Public

This is a really interesting development: Reddit is working to facilitate journalistic liveblogging activity [] on the site. > [Reddit has…] become a place where new forms of journalism occur, such as the reporting on breaking news events like a shooting or the war

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Digg Me! Newsvine Me! and Other Attention Seeking Tactics Members Public

How useful are “share me” links on articles?

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth