site design

Life of the homepage, Atlantic style Paid Members Public
Some really interesting research from The Atlantic [] , which seems to confirm a pet theory of mine: > Readers mental model is much different than our own. Those that use the homepage treat it as an index of the site’s content, not a subset. And
Digital news formats: the BBC explores linked data Paid Members Public
Fascinating blog post exploring how the BBC is experimenting with linked data []: > After producing a long list of possible ‘problem spaces’ we prioritised four areas to explore: * Location and linked data. How might we use geolocation and linked data to
The Guardian responds - to your screen Paid Members Public
[] The Guardian’s gone public with its responsive beta site [] (which should scale beautifully to whatever screen size you’re using). This is what the future
Why your website is ugly Paid Members Public
Duncan Arthur []: > We’ve seen traditional publishers we applaud for beautifully designed print publications throw out their own rulebook for their web-based versions. High-end design, it seems, has been viewed as incompatible with amassing the glut of page views and ad impressions,
One Man & His Blog: rebooted Paid Members Public
All change! This blog has a brand new look, and for those of you in RSS readers, here’s a screengrab of it, with the explanation and thinking behind it afterwards: 
dConstruct 2010: John Gruber on why your site needs an auteur Paid Members Public
dConstruct is proving to be more a cultural conference rather than a design or tech one. And I don’t mean cultural in the “theatre, opera, arts, daaaahling” sense. No, it’s about the culture that surrounds the making of a good website. I think this has been clearest in