
On smartphone design Members Public

Great video – a sort of one-off addendum to the Everything is a Remix series – that looks at where iOS design draws its influences from:

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Why Tom Morris won't be buying your news app Members Public

Well, reason 9 of many []: > Attempt to find the story you wanted to read using a layout and information architecture that’s completely different from the layout and information architecture of the website that you’ve grown familiar with, because some arsehole decided that

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Are smartphones now essential for journalism? Members Public

Between hurricane Sandy and the US presidential elections [] we now have confirmation, if you needed it, that Instagram is a big social player. I can see why Facebook bought it – there’s plenty of evidence that people interact more around photos than anything

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

LeWeb: Get the kids outdoors for €299 (Augmented Reality) Members Public

Smart phones – are they the idea device for controlling remote control devices? Take, for example this: Controlled by an iPhone (works a little better in places without more than 3000 wifi connected devices…) Toys have lost the war with video games, says Henri Seydoux of Parrot [

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
augmented reality

LeWeb: Google's Marissa Mayer gets local Members Public

It’s the now [] annual [] Arrington/Mayer chat. Whoohoo. She tries to say nothing, Mike tries to make her say something. Of course,

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

LeWeb: How Microsoft Cut Its Own Arm Off Members Public

WARNING: Liveblogging. post will update and change over the next half hour. Prone to error, typos and horrible grammar. Ah, the cat and mouse game. Loïc is trying to chase down some hard information from Charlie Kindel, the GM of the Windows Phone 7 Developer Ecosystem at Microsoft. Loïc keeps

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth