socia media

Facebook: our news figures don't include social video or posts without links Members Public

Do you remember that figures that Facebook have been quoting about news being 5% of newsfeed content? Buzzfeed went and asked Facebook to prove it. And they said β€œno” [] : > Facebook is refusing to release data to back up its claim that merely 5%

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
audience engagement

Snap Map: exploring public Snapchat Stories on a map Members Public

You can now view public Snapchat Stories on a map []: Handy.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Get your journalism read on Facebook with this one clever trick Members Public

I’ve written before about the need for journalists to get on top of the new methods of reaching readers [] – most especially use of social media. If you want another stark example of what failing to do so looks like, then

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
audience development