Social Media

Posts about social media platforms, how to use them and techniques for getting the best results.

Our Facebook masks slip a little Members Public

Second video of the day: It’s rather ironic that it hit the web a few days before the news that Facebook is running experiments on our emotions [] . There’s a whole bunch of interesting research to be done on constructed

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Verification is so very hard Members Public

Take a look at this video: Pretty clearly a concept video done by some students, right? That information’s all there, including the account name on Vimeo. Even the most cursory of verification checks would show that up. So, it’s not like anyone would publish it as a real

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Reports of Google+'s death have been greatly exaggerated Members Public

Google+ is still being developed. For now.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

US Airways: that tweet explained Members Public

An excellent explanation of how US Airways ended up tweeting the pornographic plane [] – which explains why the social media guy didn’t get fired []. I’m pleasantly surprised about how maturely this has all worked out. Is the

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
Social Media

Verify social media content - or look like an idiot Members Public

The above photo was circulating Twitter yesterday, and at least two media outlets – Romenesko [] and FishbowlNY [] – ran it as an example of a BBC captioner having a bad day. They found the image and they ran

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
Declan Curry

Meet the new social media hierarchy, same as the old one Members Public

Why social media feels so much less exciting [] when it’s established: > Open systems start with no hierarchy, so they look like meritocracies at first, but network effects mean newcomers create a hierarchy, often without even meaning to. We will never return to a

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Journalism needs a new tone of voice Members Public

This, I think, highlights one of the big challenge to journalists of the 21st Century. People are starting to associate the writing style we’ve been taught – CSWE, for Clinical Standard Written English, as the author defines it – with lack of openness. The legacy of social media is a different

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

The core difference between search and social Members Public

Interesting column from John Gapper in the FT today. Here he’s talking about Jonah Peretti [], founder of Buzzfeed: > His insight was that sharing works differently from search. Search is a way to discover information, whereas sharing is prompted by

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth