the atlantic

Life of the homepage, Atlantic style Paid Members Public
Some really interesting research from The Atlantic [] , which seems to confirm a pet theory of mine: > Readers mental model is much different than our own. Those that use the homepage treat it as an index of the site’s content, not a subset. And
Why Good Bloggers are Good For Print Paid Members Public
Here’s a piece of news [] that’s all over the journalism blogosphere this afternoon, and which surprises me not at all: > Last week, though, the prominent political blogger Andrew Sullivan used his forum on to
Is Murdoch Right to Keep Investing in Newspapers? Paid Members Public
Golly and, indeed, gosh. An e-mail arrives from one Kyle at The Atlantic, pointing me to the video they’ve produced following up an article about Rupert Murdoch and the future of newspapers – and providing a handy-dandy embed code for me. Now, given that I’m a subscriber to The
The Atlantic closes its comments - and makes them more important, too Paid Members Public
The Atlantic joins many other sites in turning off comments - but that doesn’t mean its abandoning reader commentary.