#media140 : The Survivors' Club

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Jess GreenwoodI’m uncomfortable with some of this panel’s message. There seems to be a distinct undertow of “how do we control the message through Twitter. The examples we’re being given seem to be using Twitter as just another channel, maybe to give a veneer of engagement, without a reality to it.

ASOS seems to be the notable exception right now, but let’s see how the panel develops.
Amelia Torode from VCCP suggests that it’s about the right people doing the right things…
And this panel has almost been completely hijacked by the Twitterfeed… Running jokes about the guy from Innocent, Ted Hunt.
Some suggestion that Twitter is a passing fad, and it will be replaced by something else next year, but that feels like someone who isn’t really engaged.
Look, the  real lesson of this panel was that, if a panel is insufficiently interesting, using a Twitterwall will sabotage it. Fascinated people don’t undermine sessions with jokey tweets, they tweet reaction to people’s statements – or just tweet the statements. Despite the best efforts of chair Jess Greenwood of [Contagious](http://www.contagiousmagazine.com/) magazine, this is actually a classic counter to the sentiment that I saw emerging at the start of the panel – about controlling the message. With so many people able to publish now, you can’t control the message – you can just join in.
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Adam is a digital journalism lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, a journalist for 30 and teaches audience strategy and engagement at City St George’s, London.
