news:rewired Making Money Dos and Don'ts

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth – James Fryer

Launched the week of the floods in 2007. Founded by two journalists from the county. 
1. **Be great!** – Niche websites work, they can capture audiences. All of our content is exclusively written by professional journalists – it’s about high-quality content. 2. **Search engine optimise** – 5,395 pages – 75% of traffic comes from Google. 3. **Know your market and products** – make sure you know who your advertisers will be and target them with research, clear suite of products. Keep clear differentiation between ad and ed.  4. **Establish a clear sales strategy** – Either divide your role to focus on sales some of the time, or get a professional. Make the process as easy as possible – and provide great reporting.  5. **Forge partnerships** – work with radio and print. Syndicate your content in a controlled fashion – but cash is almost always better than a contra deal. 
1. **Compromise your model** – stick to the plan 2. **Be afraid to stand up for yourself** – lots and lots of problems with plagiarism. 25 organisations have plagiarised 200 individual infringement. 3. **Spend all your time on Twitter** – make sure your social media activity is bringing you an audience and money. 4. **Rely on UGC** – think this decade will see a resurgence in professional journalism 5. **Stop moving forwards** – Redesign coming, iPhone app, franchise model for sites…
And this is their most popular video:

Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a digital journalism lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, a journalist for 30 and teaches audience strategy and engagement at City St George’s, London.
