
Why is the journalism business so dismissive of Medium's new model? An experiment. Paid Members Public
This morning, I’ve written a 2,000 word blog post about journalism and publishing strategy. But, you’ll note, this is the first blog post on here today. What’s going on? Well, Medium recently expanded their partner program [], allowing more writers to lock

Medium: a post-advertising business? Paid Members Public
Interesting summation of Medium’s current business philosphy [] from Ev Williams: > If remuneration is not part of the equation for why you publish, I can’t imagine a stand-alone web site serving you better than Medium in terms of cost, simplicity, and,

Süddeutsche Zeitung: selling the agile paywall with the right content Paid Members Public
Another set of liveblogged notes from Digital Media Europe 2017. Typos, inaccuracy and howling crimes against grammar and syntax probable. Stefan Plöchinger, Digital Editor, Süddeutsche Zeitung and Editor in-Chief, Who are Süddeutsche Zeitung []? They are the paper that got the Panama Papers [http://panamapapers.

Ghost wants to be a publishing partner for 3 journalism startups - and help them find a business model Paid Members Public
Ghost is looking to fund new journalism initiatives.

Medium's direction shift: why we should welcome it Paid Members Public
Yesterday, the news broke that Medium has shifted direction [], and is laying off some people, and bashed out a quick post. With a night’s sleep (but not a good one, thanks to my youngest…) behind me, I have a slightly more nuanced take,