#likeminds - Integrating People-to-People

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
The keynote/panel rotation carries on ruthlessly, switching to [Olivier Blanchard](http://thebrandbuilder.wordpress.com/ "Olivier Blanchard")‘s keynote. 
Problem: lack of integration with the rest of the organisation. Lots of people have jumped on it as the “next big thing”. The thought process should be “what are we trying to achieve? Your presence online is pointless, unless you do something with it.”
How can social media augment what is already being done? You don’t plug into social media, social media plugs into your business [Hmm. Not sure I agree with that.]
[Getting a feeling of ‘don’t scare the horses’ about this presentation – make social media feel safe and traditional, somehow.]
Olivier is postulating an escalating process of social media integration, spreading from specialists, through marketing, into operations and up into management. Buzzwords of “engagement” and “conversation” become “online reputation management”, “real-time customer support” etc. [I wonder how many organisations have actually made this transition?]
Three step process:
1. Strategy & development 2. Operational development 3. Management & execution
Don’t try to block employees from using social media – it doesn’t work, they’ll just work around it ot go work elsewhere. Give guidelines and training.
The head of social communications is more of a mentor and enabler. To make this work, you need an internal collaboration hub. Lots of people are monitoring – they need to be able to inform each other when there was a problem. 
Imagine if Eurostar had enables social media to let customers know what was going on when they were trapped in the tunnel?
That’s how you should develop from one guy doing “social media” into being a social media business.
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Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, and a journalist for more than 30. He lectures on audience strategy and engagement at City, University of London.
