#likeminds - What are the tactics, tools and methods for engagement today?
Panel discussion on engagement, lead by Lloyd Davis.
[](http://www.onemanandhisblog.com/content/images/2010/02/IMG_3007-Version-2.jpg)**Madlen:** Kodak Zi8 – feedback helped shape the product, but also suggested the name was rubbish. They started a programme to gather feedback on that, with many name suggestions. One was “pocket rocket”… New version: PlaySport. All are going to be Play. Probably won’t do it again, she admitted, after questioning by Illico – suggests that they’ve learnt the lesson about number names.
**Lloyd Davis:** “So this is a shower you can play with in the shower…?” Use your own imagination there folks.
**Illico**: What we wanted to do was allow people to access our content and have conversations about it. We wanted to give “normal” people access to “big” people through us. Social tools allowed people outside the room to have access to the room.
**Lloyd:** How have the panel engaged with social media?
**Illico**: David Cameron continued to use our hashtag – I asked a question (but it didn’t get answered). Need to do more moderation – if people ask similar questions, rise those up the stakes.
**Joanne Jacobs:** Currently doing a campaign for a very large brand who want to tell the truth. Social media is full of mis- and dis-information. They’re trying to get the scientists to speak. Scientist suck (she’s related to them. As mentioned earlier I’m married to one, so I disagree with this remark 🙂 ). They don’t communicate well.
Q&A is in danger of turning into buzzword bingo: “add value” “contribute” “open source”.
Good question about the Christmas number one.
**Joanne**: It was a novelty. Wether it will continue ever year is a question. It was a grass-roots response to a predictable situation. People wanted to play.
**Andrew Davies**: It was social media trumping traditional media.
**Joanne**: No, that was [Trafigura](http://www.onemanandhisblog.com/archives/2009/10/the_day_twitter_destroyed_a_gagging_orde.html). It was the only situation where social media acted alone.[Disagree somewhat, because old media were then able to report on social media’s activity]
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