#media140 - Dataeconomy - New Opportunities, New Business Models

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Andrew Lyons

**Andrew Lyons – **Ultraknowledge

The dataeconomy is about turning information into a usable asset – and an engaging experience. So, there’s a reason to develop new business models. Lyons invested £100 in a quiz at the beginning (the money was the rewards) – he might get contacts, a drink, anything out of it at the end – but he’s trying something new.

He’s showing off his Twitterwall product, which draws out user icons, tweets and stats. Which came up with a 404. Oops. OK – working again. Lots of data sifting about the people who have tweeted with the #media140 hashtag – can this be used to identify the most influential people at the events? The product can build a relationship wheel to show you who is connected to whom amongst a Twitter community – and its being demonstrated with my relationships… gulp

They also work with publishers. They have archives – but now they need to think about how to wrap it up in new visual stimulus. They can create news walls for every sub-section of a publisher’s website. They content’s already there – they’re just giving a new, enticing interface. Here’s an example. You can search visually for things you’re interested in. It’s more of a discovery engine than a search one, perhaps – it’s about finding things you don’t know you might be interested in.

business modelscommunitydata visualisationinfluenceX (Twitter)

Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a digital journalism lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, a journalist for 30 and teaches audience strategy and engagement at City St George’s, London.
