Five things I learnt from day two of Le Web

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

1. Your talents emerge young, so follow your passions…

Bill Gross

Sometimes entrepreneurship starts young. Bill Gross, Founder & CEO, Idealab was 12 when he started running candy arbitrage on his street, buying sweets in one place cheaper than the prevailing price, and then selling them at a profit, while undercutting the local shop. I started publishing a newspaper for the kids on my street when I was eight… Working at something you’re passionate about makes a huge difference.

2. Mobile is replacing the web

George Colony

Forester’s research shows that more and more customers are choosing apps over the website of online retailers, according to George Colony, Chairman & CEO, Forrester Research. 45% of the companies are taking money from the web to apps. Bear in mind that the web is not the same thing as the internet. The web will be replaced just as other services have been before.

3. Context + Social Data = Useful Analysis

Deb Roy

Is Twitter chatter around an event or a TV show just noise? Is it media? Or is it one of the best research tools you have? Take a wild guess…

4. Sometimes simple applications of technology fund more interesting research

Ariel Garten

Ariel Garten, Co-Founder & CEO, Interaxon made a return appearance with more developments on her thought-controlled tech – which they’re using for games. At least, for now…

5. A grown man in bunny ears is very distracting

Bunny ear man

I have no idea at all what that demo was about…

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Ariel GartenBill GrossForrester ResearchGeorge ColonyIdealablewebmonetisationpassionresearchworkstyles

Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a digital journalism lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, a journalist for 30 and teaches audience strategy and engagement at City St George’s, London.
