
Should you turn your video cam on in online training? Paid Members Public
The pandemic has turned everything into a video call — but could we be making smarter decisions about when to turn on the camera?
Can you monotask? Paid Members Public
The New York Times: [] > Not the same as mindfulness, which focuses on emotional awareness, monotasking is a 21st-century term for what your high school English teacher probably just called “paying attention.” This is one of the reasons I work

Open Plan Offices: only a manager could love them Paid Members Public
Why really bad decisions get made about open plan offices [] It’s because the people making the decision don’t have to use the space: > Let’s start with the fact that the folks often making the space decision are managers who already

Escaping the tyranny of the team Paid Members Public
Team work can be creative and fulfilling. But some tasks are better done alone. Can we design offices to allow that?
Home or Office: pick your discipline Paid Members Public
Working from home, versus corporate office life []: > Discipline. Everyone talks about how much discipline you need to work at home. But how much discipline does it take to go to the same strange city office every day, for all the hours
Morning nostalgia Paid Members Public
I am having a deeply nostalgic day right now. Not only am I provisioning a new blog – just as I used to back in my days as RBI’s blogmeister – but today is a day of note, as this tweet suggests: > 12 years ago today…—
Slaying the e-mail monster Paid Members Public
I’ve been staring at an unusual sight on and off over the last 18 hours or so: Yes, I’ve hit inbox zero. And I need to keep as close to this as I can. Here’s why: My working life is about as complex as it has ever
Orking the Cow Paid Members Public
As a sort of addendum to yesterday’s post, I am seriously considering looking at joining a co-working space or renting a small office, so I can potentially put some distance between myself and my work at the end of the day. Working largely from a home office does create