Euan Semple's Obvious move back to blogging
Friend-of-the-blog Euan Semple is refocusing on blogging. Good timing.
Euan Semple is partially withdrawing from social media to focus on his blog again:
I have decided to refocus on my blogging rather than the distractions of Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter. I have been missing the slower, more considered pace of writing and reading blog posts and so, although I will retain my social media accounts, I will not be spending so much time in there.
Euan has articulated well, as he often does, something that I've been thinking about. I've been spending more time with podcasts, blogs and other websites in recent months, because I'm weary of the simplistic, tribal hot takes of social media and craving something deeper and more complex.
Turns out, it's still all out there. You just need to invest the time in looking.
Euan's changed his blog address to: https://euansemple.blog. Update your feed readers as appropriate. He also talks more about the decision on the State of the Net podcast.
Photo by Mark Charmer. Used under a Creative Commons license.
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