Engaged Reading Digest: Deepfakes, YouTube controversy and better analytics through complexity
Five links on engaged journalism to see you through the morning coffee break
Twitter prepares for the age of synthetic media
Looks like Twitter is trying to get ahead of the game on dealing with Deepfakes and their ilk. Consultation runs until Nov 27th, and they have some idea of how they're going to do this. But I kinda wish they's get ahead of today's issues first…

Worth noting Alistair Reid and James Ball's remarks about Deepfakes, though:
Also: you don’t need deepfakes to fool people online. We’re SO FAR away from that being a problem. You can still whack a fake quote over a photo of someone and it’ll go as viral as a deepfake. The people “warning” of them as a problem are the main *cause* of this problem, so far. https://t.co/xUdI75bryJ
— James Ball (@jamesrbuk) November 12, 2019
YouTube seeks better engagement crack
I missed this when it first came out, but it does rather reinforce the idea that the big platforms will always optimise for engagement - because their business models are driven by it.

Is YouTube about to delete "no longer commercially viable" accounts?
So, obviously, Betteridge's law applies. They aren't or, at least, so they claim. But the wording of the terms and conditions clause change would certainly allow them to. Little by little, YouTube creators are finding out the danger of building your living on a platform they don't control. Paging Instagram Influencers…

Treating analytics with the appropriate complexity
Good piece from Marko Dorić of Content Insights on the analytics philosophy that drives their product. Some things to learn from here.

We're crap at spotting fake news
Anyone surprised by this?

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