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tl;dr #5: the catch-up edition

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Apologies for missing last week. A crunch point in my working life left me little time to do anything but prepare for, deliver and follow-up courses and lectures.

Things are just starting to ease off, so, without further self-flagellation, let's get on with the latest catch-up reading.

(I still have many, many browser tabs open awaiting my attention, so next week is likely to be a bumper edition, too.)



Social Networks


Community Management



Research tips

Journalism practice

Business Models



  • 📔Do magazine covers still matter in the digital age? Doesn’t really nail the key point, which is that they can do, if they have the potential to go viral on social as essentially a form of meme image. That’s what I’d be doing with cover commissions in the third decade of the 21st century. (But it has been nearly two decades since I commissioned a cover, so…)
  • 👨🏼‍🔧 Why publishers should start experimenting with blockchain. (I’d wait — this is in danger of becoming a distraction while people figure out the use case for the tech. Unless you have cash to burn, in which case, go for it. And hire me to consult on it. 🤓)

The thought-provoking read

The problem with the “creator economy”

Nadia Eghbal:

When I imagine a cultural renaissance that inspires me, I think about working together to address unsolved questions, tugging on threads in conversations that need unraveling, creating enduring artifacts for generations to pore over and iterate upon. The “publish or perish” model that nudges people to rack up more followers is not the pinnacle of creative freedom; it’s indentured spiritual servitude.

Challenging, to say the least.

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Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, and a journalist for more than 30. He lectures on audience strategy and engagement at City, University of London.
