
Saving Harvard’s blog history Paid Members Public
Harvard closed down its network of blogs, that helped define the medium in the early 2000s. But, thankfully, they've been saved for posterity.
Beyond news: understanding the role of archives in journalism businesses Paid Members Public
Most news publishers are terrible at maintaining their archives. But their are solid business and journalistic reasons for doing so.
Under threat: the movies of the 80s Paid Members Public
[] Ah, the 1980s. Digital watches*. Shoulder pads. Big glasses. And great, if cheesy movies. Recent enough that our cultural record of it is safe, right? The movies of my teenage years are under threat. Actor James Woods
Should your blog content fade like tears in rain? Paid Members Public
An interesting debate has popped up about the permanence (or lack of it) of the conversations happening in blogs. Gina Trapani kicked it off [] with a post about why she’s not following the neophile herd onto Tumblr []
#likeminds - Feedback on Steve Moore and Andrew Dubber Paid Members Public
 Combined into one as it was done in one go: * Radiohead, Arcade Fire and OKGo are releasing the creativity into the wild and letting their fans
#likeminds - Andrew Dubber on medium-appropriate curation & creation Paid Members Public
 Wow. Interesting start. Andrew Dubber [] just started by saying that he was with Ed Milliband in opposing Steve Moore’s ideas on