audience development

George Takei: pushing publishers' articles for (undisclosed) cash Members Public

One of the more interesting things to have emerged from the allegations of sexual harassment against actor, Star Trek alum and social media star George Takei is the fact that his social media presence (run by a team, and not him personally) is a business enterprise, being heavily supported by

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
audience development

Get your journalism read on Facebook with this one clever trick Members Public

I’ve written before about the need for journalists to get on top of the new methods of reaching readers [] – most especially use of social media. If you want another stark example of what failing to do so looks like, then

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
audience development

Zeit Online: hunting the millennial online – and offline. Members Public

I’m at WAN-IFRA’s Digital Media Europe conference [] in Copenhagen for the next few days. This is the first of my liveblogged session notes from the event. Christian Röpke, CEO, ZEIT ONLINE Die Zeit [] has a 500,000

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
audience development

The true meaning of "audience engagement" Members Public

The true meaning of audience engagement [] Alison has posted an excellent piece cutting through the “buzz wording” of “engagement”, and hitting the heart of what matters: > Audience engagement is a newsroom where the reader is considered at the start of the story

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
alison gow

Facebook and publishers: live by the algorithm, die by the algorithm Members Public

As anyone who has been trained by me of late will know, Facebook is the 1000lb gorilla in the traffic generation game right now. It’s been steadily rising as a percentage of traffic referrals to publisher sites, and it by far blows away all other forms of social media.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth