From the personal weblog, to the fully-featured website - the internet's first native publishing style.

What if the Twitter replacement isn’t a Twitter clone? Paid Members Public
Twitter's growth was fuelled by making it easier to publish micro blog posts there than on a website. That was a trap, and we fell into it.

RIP Dooce Paid Members Public
The queen of mummy bloggers, the first influencer… Call her what you will, the tragic loss of Heather Armstrong means that one of the web's true pioneers is gone.

The man who coined the word "blog" has been blogging for 20 years Paid Members Public
Peter Merholtz, who first split "weblog" into "we blog", has been at the blogface for two decades.
Let's kick the Tweetstorm habit Paid Members Public
Why do we give Twitter our most valuable thoughts?

Blogs are digital thought spaces Paid Members Public
Om Malik []: > When relaxing in the sun this past weekend, I realized that my original blog was my thought space, and that is why it resonated with my community. Among all the blogs I continue to follow — Dave Winer, John Gruber, Bob

Predicting journalism’s 2018 - goodbye platforms, hello AI, and talking with Alexa Paid Members Public
Oh, happy day. Those of us in the online journalism development business get an annual present a little later than Christmas. January is when Nic Newman’s annual Journalism, Media, and Technology Trends and Predictions report hits. Today’s the day. I haven’t had the time to dive into

Blogging after Gawker - still not dead Paid Members Public
Dave Winer reiterates his distinction between blogging and journalism [], in the wake of Gawker’s end: > Blogs are what sources write, not what reporters write. An irreverent scandal sheet written by professional reporters is not a blog. The piece that triggered