charlie hebdo

The Charlie Hebdo Backlash Paid Members Public
A swath of prominent American literary figures are worried by the support for Charlie Hebdo [] after the shootings earlier this year. but their arguments don’t always tarry with reality: > Elsewhere, the #JeSuisCharlie brigades were admonished for affiliating with
Charlie Hebdo, the French tradition of satire, and cherry-picking cartoons Paid Members Public
There’s been a growing consensus online that Charlie Hebdo [] is a “racist” magazine. In fact, I’ve ended up in a couple of online skirmishes with people because of their insistence that use of #jesuischarlie was tantamount to identifying positively with racists. I
Êtes-vous Charlie? Paid Members Public
Alan Patrick [] : > One can actually measure just how much any media outlet is “je suis” Charlie. There is an arcane part of game theory that looks at the actions people take to prove how strongly they support a proposition, idea or movement.
Charlie Hebdo: a cartoonist's response Paid Members Public
From my friend and colleague, Matt Buck []: []
Satire is a powerful weapon of democracy Paid Members Public
Satire is a wonderful part of our political debate. Satire is an under-appreciated part of journalism. Satirical websites and magazines are a celebration of what it means to be human, and a powerful tool to undermine those who would control us. No wonder people want to destroy it [http://www.