dark traffic

Dark social is bigger than public social media Paid Members Public
Social sharing is done in the dark. At least, that’s what a new report from marketing tech firm RadiumOne [http://www.inpublishing.co.uk/news/articles/dark_social_dominates_uk_mobile_sharing_activity_10146.aspx] suggests: > According to the report, over three-quarters (77%) of publishers’ or marketers’ content
Dark traffic rising? No need to panic Paid Members Public
This is not news [http://www.businessinsider.com/the-guardians-dark-social-traffic-problem-2014-10#ixzz3IHriBi5P] . The fact that people think it is is news: > The Guardian’s website is being swamped by unidentifiable “dark traffic”, and executives at the company cannot figure out where it is coming from. “Dark traffic” reflects views on a
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