digital culture
The rest of the "information wants to be free" quote Paid Members Public
Information wants more then to be free. But too many people forget that.

Giphy starting to rank Gifs by popularity Paid Members Public
Giphy wants to tell you how dank []1 your memes are: > You can see view counts for every GIF from an official Artist or Partner. When you visit an official Artist or Partner’s Channel, you can now also see how many GIFs are

Underestimating the digital power of Russia's intelligence operations Paid Members Public
Buzzfeed [] : > In an internal memo to CIA employees last December, CIA Director John Brennan complained that some members of Congress he had briefed about the agency’s assessment that Russia interfered in the US presidential election did not “understand and appreciate the importance

Offscreen - the print magazine for digital types - redesigns with #16 Paid Members Public
Issue 16 of Offscreen magazine is now available. It’s a beautiful print magazine all about the digital industry, which I’ve been happily reading for the last couple of years. If you’re interested in online, but still a lover of great print magazines, it’s well worth a
Joining the Dots Paid Members Public
I’m spending today liveblogging Brilliant Noise’s Dots conference [], as curated by the lovely Neil Perkin []. The posts will be going up on the Dots conference site, not here. I’ll add links to the posts here, as and when I
Online publishing needs to get personal Paid Members Public
Andrew Sullivan nails why traditional publishing brands struggle [] to bring their readers with them online, in a piece about personal migration on reading from print to digital forms: > But it takes guts to actually make the change. An individual can, overnight.