distributed content
The website is diffusing to death Paid Members Public
Simon Owens’ reason for cross-posting to his blog, Medium and LinkedIn [https://medium.com/marketing-102/why-every-blog-post-should-be-crossposted-to-linkedin-and-medium-659be418ebe9] : > The harsh reality is that only a tiny fraction of your social media followers will click on a link to an outside website, and most prefer to interact and consume content that’s

Quartz gets serious about experimenting with video Paid Members Public
Interesting [announcement from Quartz editor Kevin Delaney, explaining why the business site is about to get serious about video [http://qz.com/413280/from-the-editor-how-quartz-is-doing-video/]: > We’re now entering into video production, with a small team of experienced digital video journalists experimenting ambitiously with new formats, techniques, and distribution. That