fake news

Engaged Reading Digest: Deepfakes, YouTube controversy and better analytics through complexity Members Public

Five links on engaged journalism to see you through the morning coffee break

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
engaged reading digest

Paywalls promote misinformation Members Public

If all high-quality news becomes paywalled - what will fill the void left behind?

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

To beat "Fake News", look toโ€ฆ Finland? Members Public

Finland has been fighting Russian information warfare for over five years. What have they learnt?

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
fake news

Facebook needs to pay the global price of its scale Members Public

Facebook continues to avoid paying for the scale it has achieved.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

A caravan of bots, and other news from the misinformation wars Members Public

Despite the efforts of the social platforms, the bots are getting more active โ€” and more subtle.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
fake news

India's WhatsApp murders - is this a technology or a human problem? Members Public

People are dying in India thanks to intentional disinformation being spread over โ€” principally โ€” Facebook's WhatsApp. This needs to be addressed - but how?

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

WhatsApp, mob justice and the desperate need for a strategic response worldwide Members Public

Messaging apps are allowing misinformation to spread faster than ever before, and tactical responses aren't working. We need to address this at a societal level, with research and education.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
social media mobs

The network of sites supporting fake celeb obituaries Members Public

Interesting investigation of a network of advertising-driven misinformation sites [https://hoax-alert.leadstories.com/3468947-this-fake-news-network-specializes-in-celebrity-death-hoaxes.html] : > This seems to be the newest trick in the book of a group of fake news websites: look for news about a well-known celebrity being taken to hospital, wait a few days and then

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
ad fraud