Le Web: Marissa Mayer of Google Paid Members Public
Marissa Mayer’s appearances at LeWeb have never been particularly noteworthy [http://www.onemanandhisblog.com/archives/2008/12/le_web_08_marissa_mayer.html]. She’s very good at giving the corporate line persuasively, but rarely gives out anything really juicy. It’s good to see Mike Arrington doing the
Our Real Problem: The Death of the News Package Paid Members Public
The problem we have to face up to is that just sticking a paywall around what we used to do will not solve our problems on its own (and by decreasing page views, may harm ad revenue and make things worse…. ) We actually have to re-evaluate what we do from
Google News: Newsagent of the Web Paid Members Public
Ha! Less than 24 hours after I made the comparison between Google and newsagents [http://www.onemanandhisblog.com/archives/2009/12/the_murdochgoogle_phony_war.html] in yeterday’s post, Matt Brittin, managing director of Google UK, makes that very same point in front of a committee of MPs: >
The Murdoch/Google Phony War Paid Members Public
In the end, a war on Google is a much more appealing spin on the newspapers’ current position than “we haven’t figured out how to make money online in a decade of trying”. They’ll blame Google, they’ll blame the shadowy cabal of infomation-must-be-free proponents [http://www.buzzmachine.
The Brighter Side of Corporate Life Paid Members Public
[https://i2.wp.com/www.onemanandhisblog.com/content/images/2009/09/Boxhill.jpg] It’s awfully easy, in this perfect storm that besieges publishing, to be rather negative about traditional media companies – even my employer, [RBI](http://www.reedbusiness.co.uk/rb2_home/rb2_home.htm). So, once in a
Google Fast Flip and our Thumbnail Overlords Paid Members Public
[http://www.onemanandhisblog.com/assets_c/2009/09/New%20Picture%20%2834%29-1414.html] That’s the thumbnail view you get in Safari, Apple’s web browser, when you open a new tab. The confluence of these two ideas suggest that, as the processing power and bandwidth develops to do