
Want a Klout Score of 60? Members Public

How much time and money does it take to get your Klout score up to 60? Two weeks and $40 [] Companies are making decisions based on these kinds of numbers. There’s a certain class of social business consultant that needs to be

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Blog will eat itself (or the danger of big numbers) Members Public

[] There are many rewards to blogging, but it’s easy to get distracted by the easy one. Big numbers are a big distraction. My post on citizen journalism []

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

The myth of the influencer Members Public

So, to reach the public through social media, you target influencers, right? Wrong [] : > Our data show that online sharing, even at viral scale, takes place through many small groups, not via the single status post or tweet of a few influencers. While

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

The Sunday Times turns Social List Members Public

On Friday evening, I was invited to the launch of a new Sunday Times-related website, The Social List [] (as this rather cryptic post [] hinted). The organisers asked us to refrain from blogging about it until midnight tonight,

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth