john gruber

Apple has embraced the new niche media - and you should be paying attention Paid Members Public
There’s a number of interesting things that journalists can take away from last week’s Apple keynote. I’ll return to things like the changes to Apple News and the possibilities opened up by Messages as a developer platform later in the week. But right now, I’m most

Don't be a journalism algorithm Paid Members Public
Gizmodo‘s Michael Nunez delved into the lives of Facebook’s contract journalists [] in a well-shared piece: > Over time, the work became increasingly demanding, and Facebook’s trending news team started to look more and more like the worst stereotypes of a digital media content
Markdown versus CommonMark: the ambiguity and clarity dilemma Paid Members Public
[] The “standard Markdown” controversy seems to be over and done. I was essentially offline for the weekend, and I came back to find that what was “Standard Markdown” has now become “CommonMark []“, respecting Markdown

Writers, Coders and the Markdown landgrab Paid Members Public
If Standard Markdown (now CommonMark) wants to replace Markdown, it needs to acknowledge that it's not just a markup standard for coders.
Once upon a blog... Paid Members Public
[] Blogs are narratives. Or, at least, the good ones are. Some are unconciously so, the result of one person naturally expressing the narrative of the ideas they’re exploring in their own lives. Some are very, very

dConstruct 2010: John Gruber on why your site needs an auteur Paid Members Public
dConstruct is proving to be more a cultural conference rather than a design or tech one. And I don’t mean cultural in the “theatre, opera, arts, daaaahling” sense. No, it’s about the culture that surrounds the making of a good website. I think this has been clearest in