
Posts about journalists and the way they work.

Journalists: Link To Win Members Public

People have, on occasion, described TechCrunch (and ex-TechCrunch) writers are “bratty” in their writing style. MG Siegler does a pretty good job of proving the point in his complaints last week about the lack of credit he got from the Wall Street Journal [] : >

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

I work on it, why should I read it? Members Public

John Robinson wants to know what we would do [] if… > * Half of your employees — including those in the newsroom — don’t read the paper (except for their own stories)? Sadly, that’s been the case in pretty much every big magazine I’ve

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Journos and Scientists: observed… Members Public

I am a journalist. I am married to a scientist. You can guess why I enjoyed this so much… [] > The journalist and the scientist are two species that inhabit the same ecosystem, but have very different behaviors. I have spent many years carefully

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Journalists: a bunch of reactionaries Members Public

Rosie Niven comments [] on the BBC’s attempts to get its staff to mix it up a little: > I’ve been in a few newsrooms now and while I applaud the attempt to get staff out of their fiefdoms and mixing

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
change management

While you're waiting for iOS 5 to drop... Members Public

[] …here are some links to distract you. - [Getting “digital first” right in the “newsroom”]( – a nice, detailed look at why this is a more complex idea than many people

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Maybe I should have a caption competition... Members Public

[] Just an ordinary day in the* Community Care* office, with the team wearing the regulation head temperature maintenance gear, as approved by occupational health…Oh, all right. They’re helping [publicise Woolly Hat day](http://www.communitycare.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
community care

Learning to be a mutable journalist Members Public

Since my job morphed from “head of blog development” to “editorial development manager” (which happened a while before the job title change), I’ve struggled to give a clear, one sentence description of what I do. The closest I’ve got is “figure out how changes in technology, journalism and

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Who wields influence amongst UK online journalists? Members Public

Well. I’m back from my break in France, and feeling relaxed, refreshed and recharged. There’s much blogging I want to do, but I’ve been flat out with strategy and training and liaison and other exciting work things since I returned. My diary opens up a bit from

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth