Le Web 08: Leadership in the Network Paid Members Public
[http://www.computerweekly.com/blogs/enterprise-social-software/assets_c/2008/12/daveweinberger.html] Quick summary of Dave Weinberger’s speech: Information age has been formative of who we are as individuals and people together. also formative of what our idea of leadership is. As it comes to a close, it’s

Le Web 08: Google, Recession and The Future Paid Members Public
Nikesh Arora, SVP, Google and President, EME Operations, talks the future of the search engine.
Liveblogging Le Web 08 Paid Members Public
[https://i2.wp.com/www.computerweekly.com/blogs/enterprise-social-software/pics/2008/DSCF0410.JPG] Apologies for the silence over the last month. Ironically enough, it was largely because I was busy getting a Web 2.0 web application upgraded for use both within and without the business…Anyway, I’m bringing