long form content

Medium, serialization and the death of Matter Paid Members Public
Talking of Medium, as we were [http://www.onemanandhisblog.com/archives/2017/02/medium-tech-startup-elte.html] , Matt Locke had a great idea on how Medium could bring a new but familiar business model to the journalism web [https://medium.com/storythings-ltd/the-future-of-medium-should-be-episodic-91a29467a14a#.mrzxsuhzj] : > There is another, intriguing possibility – building a

How long is "long form"? Longer than you think… Paid Members Public
Some interesting figures on the length of popular long articles saved into read later app Pocket [https://medium.com/@Pocket/surprise-our-attention-spans-aren-t-dead-154ce24e5aab] : > In the Top 500 most-saved articles from the first half of 2015, we found that the average article length is 3,190 words, which would take over 15
Snowfalls eventually become slush Paid Members Public
Bobbie Johnson on the future of journalism’s shiny new obsession Snowfall [https://medium.com/inside-matter/66b9060333ad] (and its ilk): > Yet almost every example of snowfalling that I’ve seen in action puts reading second to the razzle-dazzle. Can you even remember what happens in Snowfall? Do you remember

Matter: is its long-form science journalism worth reading? Paid Members Public
How is Kickstarted long-form science journalism startup Medium performing? Pretty well, so far…
Longform, listed Paid Members Public
Interesting list of long-form journalism projects [http://www.journalism.co.uk/news/eight-examples-of-long-form-digital-content-projects/s2/a550100/] , compiled by Rachel McAthy at journalism.co.uk
Narratively: another long-form, slow journalism Kickstarter Paid Members Public
Another long-form journalism Kickstarter [http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/narratively/narratively]: > Narratively slows down the news cycle. Each week, we’ll explore a different theme about New York and publish a series of connected stories — just one a day — told in the most appropriate medium for each piece. We
What happened to web Readability? Paid Members Public
This looks interesting [http://www.readability.com/ios], although it’ll take a lot to drag me away from Instapaper [http://www.instapaper.com/u]: It says something about how bad we’ve been in designing websites for long form content that there are so many people working hard to