
Posts about the publishing platform Medium, which was founded by Ev Williams

Medium: defined Members Public

From a footnote by Dr Drang []: > They call it Medium because it’s neither rare nor well done. That’s still making me chuckle an hour after I first read it…

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
blog platforms

A rule of thumb for Medium Members Public

Marco Arment, 18 months ago []: > Treat places like Medium the way you’d treat writing for someone else’s magazine, for free. It serves the same purpose: your writing gets to appear in a semi-upscale setting and you might temporarily get

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

If Medium is exploiting you - that's your problem Members Public

Matthew Butterick []: > Among web-publishing tools, I see Medium as the equivalent of a frozen pizza: not as wholesome as a meal you could make yourself, but for those with out the time or motivation to cook, a potentially better option than just eating peanut

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
business models

Medium's evolution as a publishing platform Members Public

Medium continues to evolve at a fair old clip; * First we had the launch of its more “bloggy” interface to encourage more short form writing [] . * Then they brought writing to the iOS app [], finally: But the most interesting – and possibly

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

One Man & His Medium Blog Members Public

I probably don’t need more places to write – but I’ve decided to give Medium a go, for a little while at least. My first post is up, exploring the brief bout of Blogger’s Block [] I just went through. [Adam Tinworth](https://medium.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Medium is a long-form social message Members Public

[] Simon Owens has written a really nice piece exploring what Medium is trying to do [

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Medium just became an online magazine platform Members Public

[] An e-mail arrives from Medium, outlining the changes to their Collections [] (collections of articles posted on Medium): > Collections will have now have three types of participants: Owner, editor, and writer. * The

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Medium versus News Members Public

[] Medium is rejecting chronology as the key way it presents potential reading material [] to users: > Our goals are different: we want to give you great stuff to read. We have tens

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth