
A rather angry chap posting his frustrations on social media

Can social media be safe and sane? Members Public

TBH, Betteridge's law applies to that headline. But there are ways of avoiding the worst of it.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
Social Media
A woman looking at her phone, thinking about Reddit, WhatsApp and Twitter.

WhatsApp for war reporting, Reddit for search and Twitter for GIFs… Members Public

Social platforms keep evolving in unexpected directions. Here's three changes that have become clear in recent weeks.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
audience engagement

Morning Conference: how to counter news avoidance Members Public

Plus some interesting links on revenue, and a 5 minute summary of where the net went wrong.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
Morning Conference emails

Chat app groups can lead to more extreme views Members Public

We know how closed groups work — and that suggests that a shift to chat apps will only increase polarisation.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Social Media, chat apps and journalism: people's news discussions are becoming private, not public Members Public

Facebook is in decline and the chat apps are rising. But it's more than algorithm changes, but a shift in people's behavior - how do we adapt?

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
Social Media

E-mail Ennui Members Public

I hate e-mail. I really hate e-mail. Can everyone just move to messaging apps for the serious stuff right now, please? Thanks.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Twitter drops the 140 character limit for DMs Members Public

A significant move from Twitter []: > Currently, users have a 140 character limit for both tweets and direct messages, but in July Twitter will be removing that limitation from direct messages. The company has announced the new change, along with an updated API for developers.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Twitter joins the Group Messaging game - and brings video, too Members Public

[] A big – but expected – announcement from Twitter today. Group messaging is here: 30 seconds of Twitter video Possibly more interesting from a journalistic point of view is the fact that they’re adding video natively into Twitter

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
group messaging