
The post X-battle: Threads is down, but not out Paid Members Public
The fight to capture ex-X users heats up, as Meta, the sleeping giant, wakes up and realises that it has a blue butterfly problem…

The last post for Post News Paid Members Public
Another would-be Twitter replacement is dead in the water. What killed this one?

Better Threads than dead Paid Members Public
Threads has gone global by finally launching in the EU, and is beginning to add ActivityPub, connecting it to the Mastodon world. Could it be winning?

What if the Twitter replacement isn’t a Twitter clone? Paid Members Public
Twitter's growth was fuelled by making it easier to publish micro blog posts there than on a website. That was a trap, and we fell into it.

The would-be Twitter replacements: who's winning and who's dead? Paid Members Public
Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter prompted a raft of competitors to launch. Which ones are still surviving?
Let's kick the Tweetstorm habit Paid Members Public
Why do we give Twitter our most valuable thoughts?

Micro.blog: what Twitter would be if it was built as part of the open web Paid Members Public
For the last couple of months, I’ve been really enjoying using micro.blog [https://micro.blog], a Kickstarted Twitter-like microblogging service. It has made some interesting design choices – like not disclosing how many people follow you, and keeping Favourites as a purely personal bookmarking tool – that tend to promote
One Man on app.net Paid Members Public
 In news not entirely unrelated to my [last post](http://www.onemanandhisblog.com/archives/2012/09/twitter_has_chosen_a_fickle_monetization.html), you can now find me [on Twitter
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