national newspapers
Google Fast Flip and our Thumbnail Overlords Paid Members Public
[] That’s the thumbnail view you get in Safari, Apple’s web browser, when you open a new tab. The confluence of these two ideas suggest that, as the processing power and bandwidth develops to do
The Murdoch Plan: A Consortium Paid Members Public
And so, the Murdoch plan for content charging [,0,5961516.story] begins to become clear: > As newspapers across the country struggle with declining readership and > advertising revenue, News Corp. executives have been meeting in recent > weeks with publishers about forming a
The News Industry's Dunkirk Paid Members Public
The Guardian’s published a superbly-written piece by Simon Jenkins [] today, that catches exactly what I think about paywalls, the state of the publishing business and our route out of this quagmire: > At present the newspaper industry is like
Around the Blogs: Murdoch and Paywalls Paid Members Public
A few reactions to the News International news [] from earlier: * Shane Richmond of The Telegraph thinks that it will be a gift to the competition [] * Jeff Jarvis
The Power of the National Press Paid Members Public
I typed in a link from [an article in yesterday’s ]( [Daily Telegraph]( that my wife showed me. The above the result.Interesting to see that the national papers in
The Independent partners with Livejournal Paid Members Public
[]( via [Wikipedia](*[The Independent]( "The Independent"
Publishing: The Storm Clouds Gather Paid Members Public
[]( by [TomRaven]( via Flickr I’ve had my head down for the