
Posts from's series of news:rewired conferences.

#newsrw - multiplatform strategies Members Public

Ron Diorio, VP of business development & innovation director, Economist Media Group [] What is a platform? asked Ron, rattling through a list of OSes, apps and social networks, to a mixed response from the audience – there was

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
business models

#newsrw - Making money from content Members Public

Alex Watson, head of app development, Dennis [] Apple’s Newsstand is a retail environment. Prior to it, you were just another app in the App Store. It is more of a retail shopping experience than we’re

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

#newsrw - Liz Heron and her hashtag science Members Public

Liz Heron tells the news:rewired audience that the social media landscape is changing so fast that it's unrecognizable year-to-year

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

news:rewired - Future of the Niche - #newsrw Members Public

Hannah Waldram Graduated from Cardiff just as the recession hit – so went home and set up Bournville Village, a local blog. Worked with Podnosh. Is now The Guardian’s beat blogger in Cardiff. No office, just her and her laptop. Teamed up with mysociety to provide information which encourages civic

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

news:rewired Interactive Graphics Members Public

Key points emerging from the Interactives session: - Interactive graphics need a clear defined purpose. Understand what the users can get out of it, and what makes it different from a static graphic. - They take time to produce, so think in terms of updating them to keep them useful

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

news:rewired - Involving Users in Projects #newsrw Members Public

Warning: Liveblogging – errors and typos likely iVillage – Lulu Phongmany: Been around for 10 years without really talking to the community about what they wanted. Very different issues drive success in message boards as opposed to content. Content seems tool-based, forums more around mutual support issues. Food site relaunch: Editors and

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
citizen journalism

news:rewired: Peter Bale of Microsoft UK Members Public

Liveblogging: errors and typos likely Peter Bale of Microsoft UK, whose building we’re sitting in is kicking off the conference, and he’s promised us it won’t just be a product pitch. Why are we doing this? For the audience. Within the UK audience there are many niches,

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

news:rewired Returns Members Public

![newsrewiredlogo.png]( A quick plug: tickets are available for the [second news:rewired event](, which is focusing on niches. [![Michael Targett](

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth