online journalism

Why is online news still such a miserable experience? Members Public

Dave Winer asks a good question about the state of online news

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

How the alt-right media machine stole the "Fake News" tag Members Public

This really is a mark of just how efficient and savvy the media machine around Trump is [] : > But though the term [Fake News] hasn’t been around long, its meaning already is lost. Faster than you

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
fake news

Easy question of the week: can online journalism hold politics to account? Members Public

Roy Greenslade [] : > So, in conclusion, ponder this question: in a world without newsprint, will journalists be able to carry out their central mission to prevent government, big business and the various institutions from doing as they like? Yes. Next

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
death of print

How blogging became today's new journalism Members Public

Ben Smith, Buzzfeed’s editor in chief []: > Indeed, the strongest new news outlets and the most nimble elements of the old ones have also co-opted and professionalized the tools and ethos of bloggers — fast, direct publishing; an informal voice; a commitment to transparency.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Ignorance of tech is not an excuse, journalists Members Public

Some things just bring out my inner sub-editor. Take, for example, this tweet: > Also according to @brightonargus [] I uploaded a 'snatch' to my 'blogsite'… LOL— Beth Granter (@bethgranter) January 13, 2014 []

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Online publishing needs to get personal Members Public

Andrew Sullivan nails why traditional publishing brands struggle [] to bring their readers with them online, in a piece about personal migration on reading from print to digital forms: > But it takes guts to actually make the change. An individual can, overnight.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
Andrew Sullivan

Institutional Knowledge Transfer (journalism edition) Members Public

[] Actually, as annoyed as I am with BT – 11 days without phone and broadband and counting – that’s far from the only reason I’ve been quiet. I’ve been to Berlin for NEXT Service Design [http:

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Who wields influence amongst UK online journalists? Members Public

Well. I’m back from my break in France, and feeling relaxed, refreshed and recharged. There’s much blogging I want to do, but I’ve been flat out with strategy and training and liaison and other exciting work things since I returned. My diary opens up a bit from

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth