Journalism and politics are inescapably inter-twined.
Medium: cutting journalists out of the news equation Paid Members Public
There’s a certain genius to Medium that I think gets easily lost. Medium [https://medium.com] has solved the biggest problem in blogging: maintaining a blog. Look, running a blog is hard work. I’ve been running this one for 12 years now, and it remains a hungry beast
UK Google search traffic for "little red book" this week Paid Members Public
I can’t think why…
Back in Bloom (County) Paid Members Public
The fact that this exists, is on Facebook and is embeddable here makes me so very happy. Bloom County is back – for a while, at least.
Tory digital privacy moves scare off Ghost Paid Members Public
Here’s an actual product moving overseas [http://blog.ghost.org/digitalocean/] thanks to the UK government’s moves on digital privacy (as opposed to a notional one [http://www.onemanandhisblog.com/archives/2015/05/follow-up-on-the-brighton-tech-company-quitting-the-uk.html] ): > The UK’s newly elected Conservative government recently pledged to scrap the
Follow-up on the Brighton tech company quitting the UK Paid Members Public
A little follow-up on the idea that a Brighton-based tech company [http://www.onemanandhisblog.com/archives/2015/05/why-one-tech-company-is-quitting-the-uk-post-election.html] is quitting the UK, because of the current government’s proposals. An unusual number of people got in contact to suggest that calling ind.ie [https://ind.ie] a tech
Why one tech company is quitting the UK, post-election Paid Members Public
Why one tech company is heading out of the UK [https://aralbalkan.com/notes/so-long-and-thanks-for-all-the-fish/], post-election: > Before the election, David Cameron stated that “should he be re-elected, a Tory government would plan to block encrypted messaging applications … unless the government gets backdoor access to users’ messages.” Well, guess what
General Election 2015: the election the newspapers lost? Paid Members Public
The next few days could be a very interesting one for our national press. The vast majority have thrown their weight behind either the Tories or a continued LibDem/Tory coalition. The hold outs are the traditional Labour house organs – The Guardian, The Mirror and the New Statesman – and the