
MT4: Testing Time for 150 Blogs Members Public

We're upgrading our corporate blogging system to Movable Type 4

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
enterprise blogging

On Display in the Quadrant House Foyer Members Public

I clearly don’t pay enough attention in the mornings. While walking through the foyer of Quadrant House this morning, I finally paid attention to the display you can see in the middle of the photo below: Now what’s that iChat-like blue bubble all about? Oh, goody: Nice to

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Work Update: Testing Movable Type 4 Members Public

[https://i2.wp.com/www.onemanandhisblog.com/content/images/2008/04/2385035963_00bf219a3e.jpg] Ah, first day back at work after several days off sick, and right into server upgrade hell. The good news: we have a fully working “snapshot” upgrade of our current Movable Type Enterprise install into Movable

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
movable type

Showing Seesmic to Journalists Members Public

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

The Calm Before The Storm Members Public

[https://i0.wp.com/www.onemanandhisblog.com/content/images/2008/03/IMG_0275.jpg] I’m enjoying my last few moments of liberty before heading into what I’ve mentally been terming “the month of hell”. Sometime in the next month, we’ll be upgrading our install of Movable Type

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Liveblogging a Digital Journalism Workshop Members Public

[https://i0.wp.com/www.onemanandhisblog.com/content/images/2008/03/Digital-Journalism-Workshop.jpg] Mr Martin Couzins, the web editor of [*Travel Weekly*](http://www.travelweekly.co.uk/blogs/), is holding a workshop on digital journalism today.  I’m busy liveblogging it, but behind the company firewall, alas. I will posts

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
digital journalism

Blogging the RBI Divestment Members Public

One of my colleagues (in the most broad sense of “works for the same employer in a distant sub-division of the business”) has started blogging about the RBI Divestment [http://divestmentwatch.blogspot.com/] as it happens. He’s actually using it as much as a springboard for discussions about company

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Speed & The Digital Journalist Members Public

Last week, I received an e-mail from Neil Thurman at City University, suggesting that I check out his new research on user generated conten [http://www.city.ac.uk/journalism/people/faculty/thurman_publications.html]t. I though “looks interesting”, but by the time I got around to looking at

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth